Course Overview

Course Duration

3 days classroom based - from 8am to 4pm. This is followed by 8-15 days of practical, on-the-job training with a workbook, log book and supervisor. The final element is a half-day assessment.

Delivery Mode

This course is delivered using a face-to-face, classroom-based delivery mode along with practical support from a nominated supervisor in the field.

This course is intended for people who want a career in transport and logistics performing Lookout/Handsignaller tasks on the ARTC VIC Rail Network.

Course Detail

The successful completion of this course cation requires competency to be achieved in 1 core and 5 elective units. Students also need to complete 8-15 days of supervised work in the field followed by a half-day assessment by a TIC Trainer and Assessor.

For a full list of details, please download the course guide here.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for this short course include pre-requisite units as listed in the table below:
Unit Code Unit Name
TLIF0020 Safely Access the Rail Corridor
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry
To enrol in this course, you need to be working in the rail industry or have someone who is prepared to allow you to complete your practical experience with them as the practical experience is a required component of this course.

Units in this Course

Unit Code Unit Name
TLIF2081 Perform Lookout Duties (superseded)
TLIW0007 Operate Under Track Protection Rules
TLIF2082 Perform Handsignaller Duties
TLIF2097 Use Audible Track Warning Devices

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have been deemed competent to complete Lookout/Handsignaller duties on the ARTC network in VIC.



The Student Tuition Fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.