Your success means everything to us at TICRail. Our classes are small, meaning training can be tailored to your individual needs and more attention is given to each individual.
We offer a range of support services:
Study Support
Students will be provided study support from their trainer and assessor and will be based on the individual needs of students.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Support
Students will be provided language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) support based upon the LLN assessment outcomes in ACSF areas that are lower than that of the qualification requirements. Strategies will vary depending on the LLN assessment results.
Learning Support
Students will be provided with learning support that meets their individual needs and learning styles which includes contextualising course materials, assessment resources and other course related information.
Mentoring/Coaching Support
Students will be provided with mentoring/coaching support from one of our qualified trainers and assessors
IT Support
Students will be provided with IT support relevant to the training program by internal RTO staff or one of our qualified trainers and assessors.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue provides support for people suffering with depression or anxiety with information to help further educate anyone looking for help and provides a list of national helplines and websites for those in need. – 1300 224 636
Lifeline provides support especially in emergency crisis situations relating to mental health. Lifeline can provide support via phone; crisis support chat on their website or by text message – 13 11 14
Family and Child Connect
Family and Child Connect work with a collection of services aiming to support each unique family situation to address: – 13 FAMI (13 32 64)
Centrelink provides social security payments and services to eligible Australians, including:
The Reading and Writing Hotline
The Reading and Writing Hotline is a free national service for those who are looking for assistance with reading, writing and basic mathematics. They offer services including: – 1300 655 506