Course Overview

Course Duration

5 days classroom based - from 8am to 4pm, inclusive of assessments.

Delivery Mode

This qualification is delivered using face-to-face, classroom-based delivery.

This course is intended for people who want a career in transport and logistics performing Safeworker Level 1 tasks on the ARTC Defined Interstate Rail Network undertaking the management of track vehicle movements travelling singularly or in convoy.

Course Detail

The successful completion of this qualification requires competency to be achieved in 3 core units. 

For a full list of details, please download the course guide here.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for this course define that students must posses current qualifications in the below before commencing the course:


TLIF2080 Safely access the rail corridor
TLIF2081 Perform lookout duties
TLIF2082 Perform handsignaller duties
TLIF3083 Conduct Track Protection Assessment
TLIW2001 Operate Under track protection rules
TLIW2037 Clip and secure points
TLIF2097 Use audible track warning devices
TLIC2081 Pilot rail traffic within work on track authority limits
TLIL3065 Implement a Track Occupancy Authority
TLIC2054 Access rail track to run track vehicle within defined worksite
TLIL3083 Implement a track work authority and manage rail traffic through worksites
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry.

Units in this Course

TLIF3058 Apply Safeworking rules and regulations to rail functions
TLIC2078 Identify and respond to signals and signs
TLIW3026 Operate standalone signalling points control equipment

Course Outcomes

This course is intended for people who want a career in transport and logistics performing
Safeworker Level 1 tasks on the ARTC Defined Interstate Rail Network undertaking the
management of track vehicle movements travelling singularly or in convoy.


$500 per person.

Individuals and or employers may be eligible for Government funding. TIC will be able to discuss with you the different funding available and cost of training.

The Student Tuition Fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.